Thursday, June 11, 2009


I haven't talked about it on here but this year I made a New Year's resolution to run a 5k. When I announced it a few people got a good chuckle out of it. I'm sure they were thinking the pregnant woman lost her mind. They probably were right.

Six weeks after Brielle was born I was given the go ahead to start exercising again. Shortly there after I started training for my first 5k. That was two months ago. The race is approaching fast (in just 34 hours) and I am getting a little nervous. How will I do? Will I make it? How will I feel when it's all said and done? So many questions. So much to think about. But I'm trying to relax.

When I started training for the run, I wasn't able to run a block. A month into training I ran my first 3.25 miles without stopping. It was slow but I did it. Just two weeks ago (6 weeks into training) I ran over 4 miles in an hour. Every week I get a little further and slightly (very slightly) faster. I'll admit it's hard but it's so worth it! Nothing like a runner's high to keep you going!

"Inspiration" is a word that I've heard to describe me a lot in the last 8 weeks. I'm not sure I feel that way. Yes, I had a baby 4 months ago. Yes, I've managed to run pretty far in a short amount of time. Does that make me an inspiration? I'm not so sure. I'm glad I am able to inspire people but truthfully I'm doing this for Brielle. She needs and deserves healthy parents. I hope that by seeing Ben and I run, eat well and exercise there will be no other thought in her head but to be healthy.

So while I'm flattered that others think I'm inspiring I'm truly doing this out of love. Love of my daughter. Love of my husband. Love of my family. To be the best mommy and wife that I can be I need to be healthy. There is no other choice. I started a year ago. I'm keeping at it. It's a slow journey down a long road but I'm (now) running it. At the end is my smiling baby girl. I'll run faster just to get to her.

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