Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Good thing this blog isn't Brielle!

I've sorely neglected this blog (and my other one). In my defense Brielle has been keeping me super busy!!

Can you believe she's over 6 months old already? She's been sitting up on her own for well over a month. She has started eating vegetables and she loves people watching. She's growing like a weed and I'm trying to enjoy every minute.

I still have a ton of pictures to share. In the coming days look for a post showing the progress of Brielle's room. It's an amazing transformation. Also be on the lookout for a ton of cute Brielle pictures. Need a fix right now? O.k. Head on over to the K. Holly blog and check out Brielle's 6 month photos. So adorable! Now you can see why I've been MIA.

1 comment:

  1. I was just wondering if you had given up on blogging. Don't worry - we understand!
