Tuesday, May 19, 2009


My dress is cute but I'm cuter!

Do you like my baby legs?

My grammy made them for me!
I hear there's a bunny who brings goodies to little girls like me. That's pretty cool!
I'm ready to find this bunny. Let's go!!

Uh.....that's one GIANT bunny!

That bunny was neat and he made me happy!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Brielle - Two months

Just a little warning....she's so cute you'll want to spend your whole day looking at her!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Brielle - One Month Old

Here are a few pictures we took of Brielle when she was a whole month old!

Such a big, happy girl!
Hanging with daddy!Even at such a tender age she has an attitude!

Friday, May 8, 2009

We are alive and well!

I know, I know! I haven't posted in, oh, two months. I have LOTS to catch up on here. I've been busy having lots of fun with Brielle though! She is growing so fast! Her little personality is coming out and she's is so much fun! I have lots of pictures to share so there may be a few posts of just pictures in the near future.

Here is a quick run down of the happenings

- Brielle will be 3 months on Sunday. THREE MONTHS!! Holy cow!
- Brielle is a sleeping champ! She goes to bed by 9pm and sleeps till just before 8am. Sometimes she wakes up for a little reassurance but a little pat on her tummy and she's good. We are VERY lucky parents.
- Brielle loves to talk! She babbles and jabbers all the time. She can say "oooo", "ahhh" and "ohhhh". "Oh" is her favorite!
- Brielle thinks she is the funniest girl ever. She cracks herself up all the time!
- Brielle is a pro at sitting up! She loves to spend time in her Bumbo checking out the cats and Kita.
- Bri is up to 5 ounces of formula. Sometimes feedings can take forever because she's is so interested in looking at everything!
- Brielle is a little social butterfly. She always has a smile for the people she knows and new people too.
- The reflux is under control. A month ago we switched formulas again. So far so good with that. We're hoping she's getting to the point where she's about to grow out of needing the Zantac.
- Brielle's room is done!! FINALLY!

Well I think that's all for now. Be on the lookout for one month pictures, two month pictures, Easter pictures and more!