Saturday, February 28, 2009

Fun with daddy (and kitties and doggies too)!

Brielle hanging out with her favorite guy, daddy!

Daddy is comfy to sleep on.

Napping with Daddy and Sierra.

Hanging out with Ella in the pack and play.

If you take too many pictures of Brielle you have to answer to her body guard, Kita.

Friday, February 27, 2009

The doctor agrees

Today Brielle went to the doctor to try to get answers about all the puking. The doctor we saw agreed that it seems like she has reflux.

We talked about options and treatment. We decided that we'll try medication first. If for some reason that doesn't help we have the option of doing testing. I'm not too keen on doing the testing. It's uncomfortable for babies going through it. I'm not sure that the "problem" is bad enough to put her through that.

So we're hoping the medication works. Too bad the medication doesn't taste good. Brielle makes the most horrible face when she takes it. Poor pumpkin.

Be on the lookout for pictures coming soon!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

May have figured it out!

So I'm sure you were tired of reading about all of Brielle's puke. Don't worry, I'm pretty tired of it "surprising" us. I'm hoping that we're closer to figuring out what's going on with my little pumpkin.

My mom (aka Grandma Lisa) has said all along that she thought Brielle has a bit of a reflux problem. At first I brushed off the suggestion. I thought for sure the problem was just gas. Well after the formula switch and not too much improvement I started to look into reflux a little more. Sure enough for everything I've read Brielle has the classic symptoms of GER/reflux. If gone untreated it can turn into a bad case of colic. Needless to say tomorrow morning I will be on the phone with the doctor's office to see what we need to do to get things under control.

The good news is that with a mild case it's pretty easy to treat. The bad news is we're going to have to stay awake an extra 30 minutes after those middle of the night feedings. We'll need to do that so we can keep Bri upright. A little less sleep but in the long run it will be more then worth it!

On the new formula front while the puking hasn't really stopped the gas problem does seem to be getting better. Brielle seems to be burping and passing gas a little easier. The soy formula leaves a lot to be desired in the way of smell when it makes it's exit. Who knew something so stinky would come out of such a little girl! LOL!

So that's my update for now. I promise I'll have a fun post with pictures up soon! It's not all puke at our house.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

More Puke

Yeah. We're getting to be pros at handling puke. This time it was hiccups and then puke. Fun stuff.

Trying Soy

Today was a rough day for Brielle. She was so fussy and I quickly figured out why. She was having problems with gas. Her poor little belly was so hard that I wanted to cry with her.

While at the doctors office this week we were given the o.k. to try a different formula if Bri continued to have problems. We were putting off switching but I think with today's developments a switch is needed. Thankfully I have a can of soy formula in the cupboard. So now we're on a trail run of soy. If that doesn't work then it's a call to the doctor.

Friday, February 20, 2009

It happened again...

The puking that is. Not as bad this time though.

This mom is not a fan of gas bubbles!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Holy cow!! Baby Puke!!

Baby puke is not fun! Especially when it catches you off guard and comes spewing out of your daughter like a scene from the exorcist! Holy cow!

I have no idea why she puked up but I did call the doctors office to ask about it. They said it sounds like a fluke incident. Since she doesn't have a fever and was acting fine afterward we're chalking it up to a gas bubble that took out everything with it.

Everything seems to be fine now. I just hope it doesn't happen again anytime soon (wishful thinking I'm sure).

Oh the joys!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Getting the hang of this

Things are starting to come together. Brielle is doing good with her schedule. We've managed to get plenty of sleep at our house. The gas drops are helping with Brielle's fussiness and she's still eating well.

I forgot to mention before that on Valentine's day we ventured out for dinner. It was a quick trip to one of our favorite restaurants for pizza. Brielle slept the whole time and we were able to enjoy some time out. I was happy that we didn't ruin any one's Valentine's dinner with a crying baby. Instead Brielle received a ton of attention. Everyone was amazed on how well she did for being a whopping 4 days old! She's already making mom and dad proud!

Monday, February 16, 2009

First Visit to the Doctor

Toady we went to Brielle's first doctor's appointment. She suggested that we start giving Bri gas relief drops. We're hoping that will help with the night time fussiness.

Brielle has already gained some weight. Today she weighed in at 8 pounds 1/2 ounce. It's not surprising since she eats so well! She's taking in around 3 ounces now. We're able to go about 4 hours between feedings too. I'm hoping that a schedule is getting set up!

Friday, February 13, 2009


We knew the first few days of parenthood would be rough. Boy did we learn fast how rough it can be! Sleep is a luxury that I miss already. Thank goodness for Grandma Lisa! She came over and sat with Brielle while Ben and I caught up on sleep. It's going to take a while to adjust to this new life!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Brielle Marie

Brielle Marie joined us on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at 5:09pm. She weighed in at 7 pounds 12 ounces and was 20 inches long.

This is our start of parenthood!